Thursday 11 March 2010

Book Review - By the Light of the Moon by Dean Koontz

By the Light of the Moon By the Light of the Moon by Dean Koontz

This was my first Dean Koontz novel and a thorough disappointment, especially bearing in mind how critically acclaimed a writer he is supposed to be.

The plot is wanting and slow - paced. Koontz is spending far too much time on the thorough and often dragging description of his protagonists' visions, thereby neglecting the advancement of his plot.

Logically speaking, I was unable to understand why "nanobot - implants" would enable anyone to gain the ability to physically fold from one place to another.

Koontz's characters remain utterly on the surface. Jilly's annoying attributes and Koontz's forced humour at times render this book unbearable, and at some point I considered myself unable to finish the story.

The most pathetic part of the book remains the (thankfully) rushed ending, when - over a nice glass of wine - our protagonists announce their aim to become something akin to superheroes and vow to fight evil whenever they are faced by it, thus enabling Mr Koontz to produce a sequel. Please spare us!

The Forest House - Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Forest House (Avalon, #4) The Forest House by Marion Zimmer Bradley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My first foray into MZB's Avalon series and I intend to read all of them in chronological order.

I enjoyed this a lot and would recommend this to anyone who is interested in Druids, Roman Britain etc.

A lot of other reviewers pointed to the historical inaccuracies in the book, I would say that this is something that simply cannot be prevented in a book of this kind. If you want to read an academically researched book on Druids then I would recommend you pick up Jean Markale. If you want to be entertained, then this is a perfectly good choice.

Other books in the series include:

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